Adult Ministries

Answering the call to Intentional Discipleship

Discipleship is at the very core of our Parish Mission, Vision, and Values. Discipleship is a way of life centered around stewardship and using the gifts that God has bestowed upon us.

Explore our variety of ministry opportunities and discover how you can become “a more intentional disciple.”


Adult Ministries

This is a team of Pastoral Council members and others that discuss bible study and classes on a variety of topics to be offered throughout the year. Join our planning team to explore new topics of interest, promote the programs, recruit and train facilitators, and help the facilitators and groups throughout their sessions.

Our parish offers a number of small group options for young adults to mature adult parishioners to grow in faith. Small groups are connected to the Body of Christ and include prayer, opportunities to share joys and concerns, a place to care (not cure), and the nourishment to go forth in love and service to God and the Church.

Small groups follow a variety of formats and share the same goal – to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

If you are interested in joining a small group or starting a new group, please contact our Parish Office for help with materials, locations, and other resources.

Anyone is invited to attend.

DeColores is a laity-led Christian ministry with a mission to renew the faith of Christians and to encourage and equip them to serve Jesus Christ more effectively at home, at their church, and in their world. DeColores offers four spiritual retreat weekends each year, two in the spring and two in the fall. The first weekend of each season is set aside for men followed by a weekend for women. The retreat weekend activities are designed to reinforce individual commitment to Christ through piety, study, and action. We invite parishioners to join DeColores weekend and spend time with fellow Christians.

Preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony is one of the most important times of faith in a couple’s life. In addition to meeting with a priest in preparation for their wedding, engaged couples have the opportunity to be mentored by a married couple of the parish. Married couples are invited to serve as mentors for those couples preparing for the sacrament of marriage. Mentor couples guide engaged couples through a marriage-preparation program and share the joys and challenges of marriage with the engaged. Mentor couples set the engaged couple on a blessed path to the Sacrament of Matrimony while enriching their own marriages and deepening their own faith.

The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) is a process of study and prayer with Baptism or Profession of Faith, Confirmation, and First Eucharist taking place usually at the Easter Vigil. All OCIA classes are open to all parishioners. Parishioners are always welcome to attend and renew and deepen their understanding of the teaching and traditions of the Catholic Church while supporting OCIA candidates. Volunteers join the pastor, parochial vicars, and deacon to assist in the candidate preparation process, provide snacks, and act as sponsors for all candidates. No training is required, but be prepared to share your faith in a very practical manner.

PSR is open to all public school students entering grades Kindergarten through 8 for the school year. Volunteer instructors are needed annually to staff each grade or to assist. Through formal education and by their example, these catechists aid parents in bringing their children into a fuller understanding of our Catholic Faith.

The right to life of every individual from conception to natural death is one of the primary tenets of our Catholic faith. This ministry is dedicated to raising the consciousness of our parish and community on the importance of maintaining that right. Join us in prayer and action as we live our Catholic faith in selfless service. Luminaries for Life and The 40-Day Prayer Campaign are seasonal events for our group.

The Men’s Study Group meets in the Parish Center on Friday mornings at 6:10 AM for a free continental breakfast and socializing. They wrap up at 7:30 AM. With solid Catholic teaching from Scripture, the Catechism, the Saints and more, they show how to become the man Christ calls you to be and gives you the tools to make it happen.

The parishes of Sacred Heart and St. Anthony join together for the annual Vacation Bible School held each summer at Sacred Heart School. Children 4-8 years of age gather for three consecutive mornings (8 am-noon) and enjoy scripture study, craft making, singing, and more. Volunteers (adult and jr high/high school students) are needed to assist in the classrooms teaching the lessons and with small groups to make crafts, etc.

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