Leadership Opportunities

Answering the call to Intentional Discipleship

Discipleship is at the very core of our Parish Mission, Vision, and Values. Discipleship is a way of life centered around stewardship and using the gifts that God has bestowed upon us.

Explore our variety of ministry opportunities and discover how you can become “a more intentional disciple”.


Leadership Opportunities

St. Anthony Schools are the place to be! And so is the Board of Education! Become a member of the St. Anthony school board or a member of the several sub-committees which promote our excellent parish schools. The seven-member board’s main purpose is to advise the pastor and principals in regard to the operations and policies of our schools. Each board member serves up to two consecutive three-year terms. Interested individuals should complete an application in the spring.

The Board of Education meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month during the school year. Meetings start at 6:30 pm and are held in the grade school conference room.

To contact the members of the board of education or to request time during the open session, email your request to staboe@stanthony.com.

Are you interested in becoming a member of the St. Anthony Board of Education? We are looking for one new board member starting with the 2025-2026 school year.  Complete our online application by 4:00 pm Wednesday, April 23, 2025.  To be eligible for the position, a person must be 18 years of age, a registered member of St. Anthony Parish, and cannot be a paid full-time employee, or the spouse, parent, sibling, or child of any paid full-time employee of any diocesan parish program.  Candidates with students in grade school are preferred so we may have a balanced representation of school families, but all are welcome to apply.

Board of Education members:
Kevin Roewe, President
Sarah Geen, Vice President
Melissa Vogel, Secretary
Beth Stundon
Blake Hilliard
Cristiano Dias Oliveira

The Booster Club is a group of interested parents and parishioners devoted to maintaining a sports program at St. Anthony Schools. Through efforts such as the annual Steak Stag, Booster Club membership dues, season tickets, concession and ticket booth sales, the Booster Club is able to provide funding for sports transportation, equipment, and uniforms used in the sports programs. Booster Club officers serve a four-year term. Interested individuals can contact any Booster Club officer.

Affiliated with the National Council of Catholic Women, this organization is involved in many aspects of parish life for women and families. They are dedicated to spirituality, leadership, and service. St. Anthony’s CCW provides the wine, hosts, and candles for all parish Masses and covers those costs through an annual cookie and candy sale, and quilt raffles. They are also active in Pro-Life activities. Fellowship through breakfast meetings and a Christmas Dinner and May Mother and Daughter breakfast is an important part of CCW. They also bake desserts and offer kitchen assistance for parish dinners.

The Finance Council is a group that ensures that St. Anthony Parish is financially sound and all finances remain transparent. These individuals advise the pastor regarding the management of parish finances and property, review monthly and end-of-year financial statements, and advise the pastor and director of operations regarding the maintenance and improvements of the parish buildings and grounds.

The Pastoral Council ensures that the Parish vision and goals are reviewed and continually addressed to serve the people of the Parish. They seek to foster parish unity, assess parish needs, develop parish programs, coordinate parish activities, encourage parish participation in spiritual and apostolic life, and provide a forum for parish dialogue. This advisory group to the Pastor is often the unseen force that identifies and promotes the pastoral needs of the parish.

SAMBA is St. Anthony’s Music Boosters Association. These parents and parishioners are devoted to maintaining and improving the music and fine arts of St. Anthony Schools. They work closely with the music director and band director of the schools and create efforts to fund music, equipment, stage sets, and school trips for our students. Interested individuals can contact any SAMBA officer to join.

Stewardship is the sharing of God’s gifts by his people. This committee works to communicate, educate, and coordinate opportunities for sharing time, talent, and treasure. The Stewardship Committee works with other Parish committees to identify and promote ways that parishioners can share their time and talent as part of their faith and service to the Lord. This committee also welcomes new parish members to our parish family with a personal visit, homemade baked goods, and an information packet.

This is a team of Parish Council members and others that plan and host St. Anthony Parish Missions. This team is created each time a Parish mission is planned to reflect on the mission message, select a missionary team, publicize the mission, and coordinate the events of Mission week. Future missions are under discussion.

Looking for more information?

Looking for more information about our ministries, or have other stewardship ideas?

contact us