Liturgy & Music

Answering the call to Intentional Discipleship

Discipleship is at the very core of our Parish Mission, Vision, and Values. Discipleship is a way of life centered around stewardship and using the gifts that God has bestowed upon us.

Explore our variety of ministry opportunities and discover how you can become “a more intentional disciple”.


Liturgic Ministries

Students who are open to sharing their time and faith in service at the Altar for Mass and other liturgical celebrations are encouraged to become servers. This is a great way to serve God in a special setting. At least two servers participate at each liturgy.

Students 5th grade through high school age must complete a short training session before assisting the priest in procession, prayer, blessings, and Altar preparation.

As a Minister of the Word, you bring to life the Old and New Testament personalities, happenings, and teachings at parish liturgies. Lectors proclaim the Scripture readings. Two lectors participate at each liturgy. A short training session will prepare you for this challenging and rewarding Ministry. Adults, including young adults and high school students that have completed Confirmation, are encouraged to become Ministers of the Word.

Our worshipers are in the capable hands of this ministry as the ushers create a welcoming and prayerful atmosphere. They greet parishioners as ministers of hospitality; assist individuals in seating; invite people to bring up the offertory gifts if needed; take up collections; assist people throughout the Liturgy; distribute the parish bulletin; straighten up pews and missalettes after the Liturgy. This ministry allows you to meet your fellow parishioners on a regular basis. If you have a smile to give away, this is the ministry for you.

Members of the Parish who have completed the sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation can request to become Eucharistic Ministers. They help the priest and deacon who are the ordinary ministers of this sacrament during Holy Communion. A Eucharistic Minister, also known as the extraordinary minister, administers the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ during the Liturgy or while visiting the sick, elderly, or homebound. A short training session will prepare you for this challenging and rewarding Ministry.

What an honor it is to carry the wine, hosts, and offerings to the priest at Mass for consecration! It is an honor to participate in Mass by being a gift bearer and representing God’s people and the parish community. Individuals or families are invited to participate in this ministry. Being a gift bearer does not require special skills or training— just an honest desire and willingness to serve.

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The Sacristan works closely with the priest to ensure that the Mass is smoothly celebrated. It is the responsibility of the Sacristan to assure that all ministers are present and ready, and the gifts are prepared. Following the Liturgy, the Sacristan cleans the Sacred Vessels.

The Saturday Mass is livestreamed for our homebound as well as audio recorded for replay on Sunday morning local radio. The Radio Mass Crew ensures the Saturday Mass is successfully streamed and recorded then delivers the audio flash drive to the radio station. If you’re looking for a great seat for Saturday evening Mass, consider joining the Radio Mass Crew!

Tune into A&E. Not the TV network, but our parish Art & Environment committee. This group consists of a core group of staff members and a large group of volunteers. Come share your time and creative energy by decorating our parish church and parish campus throughout the year. Extra volunteers are needed during the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.

Music Ministries

The Adult Choir supports the worshipping assembly once a month during the liturgies of September-early June. It is also the main choir for the Midnight Mass at Christmas, Holy Week celebrations, and Confirmation. Aside from the regularly planned songs and responses, this choir presents a wide range of musical repertoire of varying styles and difficulty. Rehearsals for the Adult Choir take place in the church on Wednesday nights 7-8:00pm. Membership is open to all adults and high school teens who feel the call to serve God and this faith community through sung praise and prayer.

The Cantor is a music minister that leads the congregation in their worship through music. The Cantor is a key participant in the Liturgy as they proclaim the Responsorial Psalm during Liturgy of the Word at the weekend Masses and special liturgies. Cantors may lead the congregation by themselves or sing in small groups. We will assist you and ease you into this ministry and help you gain confidence in leading the singing at Mass. Cantors may be asked to minister at any of the weekend Masses and Holy Days.

The Organists and Pianists are the heart and musical soul of the church in the accompaniment of our cantors and choirs. As a key participant in the Liturgy at weekend Masses and special liturgies, our organists and pianists should be confident in playing before a large congregation. The music is provided with ample time to learn and feel comfortable. Organists/Pianists may be asked to minister at any of the weekend Masses and Holy Days. The ability to play the pipe organ is greatly welcomed!

The Junior High Chorus meets before school in the grade school music room. On selected dates, this chorus sings the Mass on the weekend as well as the school Mass on Tuesday. They have also performed at various functions throughout the community.

The SAHS chorus meets during scheduled class times at the high school. On selected dates, this chorus sings the Mass on the weekend as well as the school Mass on Friday. They have also performed at various functions in the community. Partnered with the St. Anthony Junior High Chorus, they perform a winter Christmas concert in the church and a spring concert held at the high school. If you are a parishioner of St. Anthony and attend a different school, you are still more than welcome to join us for the singing at the weekend Mass.

The Men’s choir meets in church on Wednesdays from 6:15- 7:15 P.M. at the piano. This choir meets on Wednesdays before the Adult Choir so if you are interested in participating in both, you’ll only have one night of rehearsal! The Men’s Choir is open to all men of the parish and you are more than welcome to come any Wednesday and see for yourself if this choir is for you.

The Resurrection Choir shares their voices in the celebration of life! This all volunteer adult choir graciously gives of their time and voice to sing for funerals at St. Anthony church upon request from the family. This choir does not rehearse, but their commitment and willingness to come on a moment’s notice gives witness to the expression, “singing is praying twice”.

Looking for more information?

Looking for more information about our ministries, or have other stewardship ideas?

contact us